Friday, September 26, 2008

Hula Boy's Top Ten Songs in Movies

This list was definitely too broad. Therefore, I did some editing of it, to make it actually feasible to put the list together. I limited it to only movies and only music that was relevant to the scene in the movie, not scores, or background songs, or anything like that. I feel like movie scores should be a future category in and of itself. So without further ado...

10. Back 2 The Future - Johnny B. Goode - LINK
I would have replaced this scene with the bike ride scene towards the end of 40 Year Old Virgin, where Asia's - Heat of the Moment is playing. I know that song isn't actually in the movie, but just prior they make reference to the song, or at least the band, in the famous "You Know How I Know You're Gay Scene."

But instead I included this scene from the great B2TF. I love how they didn't even attempt to make the vocals sound like Michael J. Fox. And everyone knows that he couldn't play the guitar either, it is just such an absurd scene.

9. Anchorman - Afternoon Delight - LINK
Do you really want to know what love is? It's really quite simple...Just click on the above link.

8. Bring It On - Cheerleader Cheer - LINK
This clip just sets the tempo for a great movie. I know I mentioned this movie on the earlier Guilty Pleasures post, so I had no shame in making yet another reference to the flick.

7. Reservoir Dogs - Stuck in the Middle with You - LINK
QT has a way with putting songs that you wouldn't think fit into particular scene, but it adds so much to the song. That is exactly the case here, which is the best scene from a great movie.

6. American Psycho - Hip To Be Square - LINK
Like the above scene, you wouldn't think that a Huey Lewis song would make a great counterpart to a vicious murder, but it is pulled off in this great scene. I love the pre-killing dialogue that involves the merits of Huey Lewis, but do take offense to Huey Lewis being compared to Elvis Costello. How dare Patrick Bateman. The only way this scene could have been better is if Christian Bale used the Batman voice for it.

5. Pee Wee's Big Adventure - Tequila - LINK
A great scene in a criminally underrated Tim Burton movie. This scene is epic, and the song coupled with the dance is too perfect.

4. Donnie Darko - Head Over Heels - LINK
It may be a little cheap to include this in my edited category. But the editing was clearly done with the song in mind, so that's how I clarify its inclusion. I think one of the things I enjoy most about this movie is the numerous music choices coupled with the scenes. The Killing Moon, Under the Milky Way, and this Tears for Fears song give the ideal '80s vibe and creepy vibe for the movie. I really thought Richard Kelly would be a phenomenal director after this movie, especially when I see the greatness of this one scene, which is edited to perfection. Unfortunately, that clearly is not the case. I even feel like both Jake Gyllenhaal and Jena Malone have not lived up the potential they showed in this movie.

3. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut - What Would Brian Boitano Do? - LINK
This song is great, I know some would argue that it isn't even the best song from the movie, but this clip is phenomenal. I didn't realize that Trey and Matt were in a band, but their clips cut with actual Brian Boitano clips is hilarious. Good stuff.

2. Say Anything - In Your Eyes - LINK
I think is widely regarded as the best music scene in a movie. It's another epic scene that makes the entire movie. Plus, I just love John Cusack.

1. Boogie Nights - Transformers Theme Song - LINK
This song is merely the best scene from my favorite movie. It was difficult to choose between this and the Heat Wave track, but I did it nonetheless.

So, that's my list. With my clarifications, I left off the Moving In Stereo song that plays at the pool scene during Fast Times at Ridgemont High, that I felt was a must inclusion. But whatevs. I hope everyone enjoys this list, cuz I think its great.

That Is All
-Hula Boy

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I almost included the American Psycho clip in my post, but I thought the Reservoir Dogs one performed too a similar purpose.