10. Sam Wheat - Ghost (the film)
Who doesn't love Patrick Swayze? And who wouldn't want possibly the cheesiest movie character of all time at their party. Even Roger Ebert declared this movie the most cheesy he has ever seen, and he has seen a lot of movies. I almost didn't include Swayze on this list though, for obvious reasons, such as 'possibly too soon' or 'too close to home' reasons.

9. Dr. Malcolm Crowe - The Sixth Sense
Every party needs that brooding guy in the corner, and Dr. Malcolm Crowe is mine. Plus, he may actually think that he is at a living party, I mean he did make it through the entire movie without realizing that he was dead. Plus, I'm sure a lot of "I See Dead People" jokes would be made.

8. Cindy Campbell - Scary Movie, Scary Movie 2, Scary Movie 3...
Every party needs dumb hot chicks, and who better than the parody of the dumb hot chick. I'm a huge Anna Farris fan and would welcome her at any party. I didn't know that she died at the end of Scary Movie, but was glad she did as she would qualify for the party. Plus, I just never can get enough of those silly parody movies, who else can't wait for Scary Movie 12!

7. Gandalf the White - Lord of the Rings
The requisite old creepy dude, who know one knows at the party. Plus, who wouldn't want to find out what really happened between Frodo and Samwise?

6. Casper the Friendly Ghost - Casper
I much prefer the name Casper the Friendly Ghost to Casper the Neighborhood Friendly Ghost

5. Aliyn - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie)
It's Paul Reubens overacting--wait does he never overact? But anyways, who wouldn't want an evil Pee-Wee Herman at their party? Especially one constantly spouting out terrible one liners.

4. Susie Q - Susie Q
Yes, from the Disney made for television movie. Yes, it is the Pink Power Ranger. But yes, it is a haunting love story, about a girl who dies on the night of her prom, and is looking to give back to future prom goers. She died enroute to a party, why not have her at this lively party?

3. Bernie - Weekend At Bernie's
I'm inviting Weekend at Bernie's Bernie, not Weekend at Bernie's II Bernie. A dead body can only be fun for so long, before it starts to decay, and well who wants Al Davis at their party?

2. Chuck - Pushing Daisies
If you are thinking she wouldn't be the perfect addition to any party, then you need to watch Pushing Daisies. NOW!

1. Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
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