Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hula Boy's Top Ten Commercials

This was a difficult list to put together, not in the sense that it was difficult coming up with ten commercials that qualified, but rather because this isn't exactly the type of category I keep tabs on. When we usually pick a topic, I at least have a reserve of choices in my mind, but that wasn't the case for commercials. I think it has to do with the form of media itself. Commercials are something that you may get a brief chuckle out of, but nothing that really sustains. And the ones that do sustain, well they eventually get to the point where they are nail-on-a-chalkboard irritating...I'm looking at you Geico Cavemen.

Much ado without nothing...

10. - When I Grow Up
I find this rather simplistic commercial clever...and a little sad. Will we eventually reach a point where people will actually aspire to become yes men and yes women? And who is the person making this ad speaking out against? I mean how eventful can your life be if you are making commercials?

"When I Grow Up...I want to make ads for"

9. Coor's Light - Hey Coach
I like the new run of Coor's Light commercials mashing up those silly Coor's Light fellas and NFL Coaches. But it is only a matter of time, before we see too many of them. I spent the first half of the commercial enjoying myself, but wondering what that kid in the background was doing. Then the second half, well it's just stupid. But these are fun anyways...enjoy.

What about mothers of animals?

8. ESPN - The International Commercial
As a kid, I always was baffled by the ESP button on the remote. Did they really film two of every television program, just so that button would have a function? Well thanks to the folks at ESPN, we now know the answer...

What dialect is the second set supposed to be? Don't Alaskans speak English? Or has Sarah Palin dispelled that belief?

7. Budweiser - Wassssupp
These commercials seem horrific and annoying now. But I just remember these commercials transforming high school. No longer would a head nod through the halls be sufficient, no a full wasssuppp was warranted.

True, True

6. Pepsi - Apartment 10G
Michael J. Fox was the shit. And this commercial only solidifies that. This commercial could not be any better, I mean the outfits, the hair, the chicks, the music. Wait, I take that back, this commercial could get better, if Michael J. Fox re-enacted it for the year 2008.

If only this was for Pepsi Clear, it would be number 1 on this list.

5. Budweiser - Frogs
Why is it that beer companies typically have the best commercials? Oh, and this is another one of those commercials that was great for the first couple views, but then it just got plain annoying. All I know is that I had a Bud-Weis-Er Frog t-shirt that I used to wear to school in middle school, how did my parents let me wear that? How did I get away with this? It is reasons like these that I wish we had videotapes of our whole life so we could go back and look at how stupid things we did were.

It's all about the drinkability...of the frogs.

4. Drug PSA - Rachel Leigh Cook
This commercial was great, and I think half of the reason is that Rachel Leigh Cook stars in the commercial. I mean what are the odds that the chick who was in a PSA would eventually go on to movie fame? Seems crazy? But I gotta say this one worked, I'd have to say it is one of the most memorable commercials I have ever seen, even to this day.

What if they mashed this commercial up with one of those aforementioned Coor's Light Commercials?

3. Drug PSA - Pee Wee Herman
As great and memorable as the last PSA is, this one is even better. I did not know about this one, til I did a search for the last one and this popped up instead. But isn't this one ten times as effective. I mean who wouldn't be scared to death that they could turn out like Paul Reubens if they did drugs?

Do crack and you'll wind up in a crack.

2. Who knows who - For who knows what
I'm wholly baffled by this commercial, but find it absolutely hysterical. Is this a safe sex PSA? Is this a commercial for sweeties? What are sweeties? Or is this a commercial for condoms? Isn't the point of a commercial to get a product or point across? Enjoy!

Best part ever - when the kid is on the floor.

1. Apple - 1984
This commercial is simply epic. 'Nuff said.

And I'm a PC.

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