Sammy J was made for this movie, plain and simple. He brings a realism that no other actor could to such an outlandish movie. I think this movie is worth it alone for the single greatest quote in movie history. Also, Keenan (or is it Kel) is in the movie, and Sammy J has to tell him how his videogame experience is gonna help save the flight.
9. Con Air
Nic Cage one ups Sammy J with an even better 'worst possible scenario on a plane' movie. This movie gets extra points for Nic's woeful attempt at a southern accent and his stylish looking hair. I think this movie has the best cast on this list too (John Malkovich, John Cusack, Steve Buscemi, Ving Rhames, Monica Potter, Dave Chappelle...ok maybe it only has a couple good actors).
8. Valley Girl
This movie is a must see for the fact that it is one of Nic's first movies and features him with a red highlight in his hair. But even better, he has shaved his chest so that he looks hairless with three buttons undone, but there is a beach scene where you see that he only shaved a triangle toward the top of his chest. This sounds ridiculous and is.
7. Werewolf Women of the S.S.
This movie tops Snakes on a Plane in ridiculousness plus it stars Nic Cage as Fu Manchu. 'Nuff said.
6. Wild At Heart
Nic Cage in a David Lynch movie. It seems like such a natural pairing. Plus, I'm going through a Lynch phase right now.
5. The Weather Man
I really liked this movie, and was maybe the only one. It also includes the handing of the torch as Michael Caine supports his soon to be theoretical substitute Nic Cage. And Nic Cage plays Michael Caine's son. Does anyone else see the resemblance? I don't. Oh, and the kid from About A Boy plays his son. Yea, I never knew Nic Cage was British.
4. Unbreakable
The merits of this movie have been previously documented. But let me add once thought to this list...Samuel L. Jackson is infinitely better when paired with Bruce Willis.
3. Bringing Out the Dead
Prior to making this list, I thought that Samuel L. Jackson would make most of the list leaving Nic Cage out. I completely forgot that Nic Cage actually put forth a solid performance in this movie here.
2. Iron Man
Yea, Samuel L. Jackson only has a bit part. But it is a great movie. And I include it for one more reason, to emphasize the superhero present in both of these fine actors. Nick Fury was redefined in the comic book universe to be Samuel L. Jackson, how cool is that. And Nic Cage is a superhero, I mean not only did he change his last name to be Luke's younger and much weaker brother, but he gave birth to Superman's son Kal-El. Check out the picture at the end of this post for further proof.
1. Pulp Fiction
By far the greatest flick on this list, it defined Samuel L. Jackson's career and gave him a role that he would never be able to top. Plus, there just aren't enough Sammy J movies with him in an afro.
I really didn't feel like I left any movies off this list that I didn't want to. I do have some movies that I need to see by both of these actors though including The Incredibles and Adaptation. Hula Boy ends this post with a fun little picture...

1 comment:
Was Sammy J. made for "Snakes on a Plane," or was "Snakes on a Plane" made for Sammy J.?
Also, "Werewolf Women of the S.S."...not a real movie.
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