Saturday, September 27, 2008
This Week on Top 10 x 4 or 3 or Whatever
Walkin' down the street,
I was hit by something last night in my sleep.
It's a dead man's party!
Who could ask for more,
Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door.
Leave your body and soul at the door . . ."
-Oingo Boingo, Dead Man's Party
Taking inspiration from the great movie composer, Danny Elfman, and his band Oingo Boingo, I've decided on an interesting topic for this week's category... So you're throwing a Dead Man's Party, who is going be on 'The List?' Guests must be fictional characters from a movie, television show, or book who were featured in their respective form of pop culture as a dead man or dead woman. That means you can't have a guest who simply died in a movie, but one who appeared in the movie dead (ie as a dead body, as a ghost, as a zombie, as a vampire, as a spirit, etc.) Feel free to be creative with your list! And if you find yourself needing inspiration, feel free to listen to the above tune.
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Friday, September 26, 2008
Hula Boy's Top Ten Songs in Movies
10. Back 2 The Future - Johnny B. Goode - LINK
I would have replaced this scene with the bike ride scene towards the end of 40 Year Old Virgin, where Asia's - Heat of the Moment is playing. I know that song isn't actually in the movie, but just prior they make reference to the song, or at least the band, in the famous "You Know How I Know You're Gay Scene."
But instead I included this scene from the great B2TF. I love how they didn't even attempt to make the vocals sound like Michael J. Fox. And everyone knows that he couldn't play the guitar either, it is just such an absurd scene.
9. Anchorman - Afternoon Delight - LINK
Do you really want to know what love is? It's really quite simple...Just click on the above link.
8. Bring It On - Cheerleader Cheer - LINK
This clip just sets the tempo for a great movie. I know I mentioned this movie on the earlier Guilty Pleasures post, so I had no shame in making yet another reference to the flick.
7. Reservoir Dogs - Stuck in the Middle with You - LINK
QT has a way with putting songs that you wouldn't think fit into particular scene, but it adds so much to the song. That is exactly the case here, which is the best scene from a great movie.
6. American Psycho - Hip To Be Square - LINK
Like the above scene, you wouldn't think that a Huey Lewis song would make a great counterpart to a vicious murder, but it is pulled off in this great scene. I love the pre-killing dialogue that involves the merits of Huey Lewis, but do take offense to Huey Lewis being compared to Elvis Costello. How dare Patrick Bateman. The only way this scene could have been better is if Christian Bale used the Batman voice for it.
5. Pee Wee's Big Adventure - Tequila - LINK
A great scene in a criminally underrated Tim Burton movie. This scene is epic, and the song coupled with the dance is too perfect.
4. Donnie Darko - Head Over Heels - LINK
It may be a little cheap to include this in my edited category. But the editing was clearly done with the song in mind, so that's how I clarify its inclusion. I think one of the things I enjoy most about this movie is the numerous music choices coupled with the scenes. The Killing Moon, Under the Milky Way, and this Tears for Fears song give the ideal '80s vibe and creepy vibe for the movie. I really thought Richard Kelly would be a phenomenal director after this movie, especially when I see the greatness of this one scene, which is edited to perfection. Unfortunately, that clearly is not the case. I even feel like both Jake Gyllenhaal and Jena Malone have not lived up the potential they showed in this movie.
3. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut - What Would Brian Boitano Do? - LINK
This song is great, I know some would argue that it isn't even the best song from the movie, but this clip is phenomenal. I didn't realize that Trey and Matt were in a band, but their clips cut with actual Brian Boitano clips is hilarious. Good stuff.
2. Say Anything - In Your Eyes - LINK
I think is widely regarded as the best music scene in a movie. It's another epic scene that makes the entire movie. Plus, I just love John Cusack.
1. Boogie Nights - Transformers Theme Song - LINK
This song is merely the best scene from my favorite movie. It was difficult to choose between this and the Heat Wave track, but I did it nonetheless.
So, that's my list. With my clarifications, I left off the Moving In Stereo song that plays at the pool scene during Fast Times at Ridgemont High, that I felt was a must inclusion. But whatevs. I hope everyone enjoys this list, cuz I think its great.
That Is All
-Hula Boy
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Josh's Top Music Scenes
The first time we see Christopher Reeve save someone as Superman is classic. It goes at the bottom of the list because devotees were probably predicting some kind of Superman theme reference in this post. Well, wish granted. I did not want to embed the entire 5 minute clip, so here is just the awesome part where Clark changes into Superman for the first time and the classic theme plays.
9. Opening Night - Curb Your Enthusiasm
When Mel Brooks asked Larry David to star in his musical "The Producers", who would've thought it could actually turn out OK? Larry sings the opening number to the show.
8. Scotty Doesn't Know - Euro Trip
This song is somewhat funny. The band leader serenades Scotty's (the main character) girlfriend while Scotty stands there and takes it like a bitch. Of course, the reason this clip is on the list and not a runner up is that the band leader is Matt Damon.
7. Heat of the Moment - South Park
South Park Studios describes this clip just fine: Cartman tries to persuade the government to revoke the ban on stem cell research and save Kenny's life. He moves all of Congress to sing along with him.
6. I Will Always Love You - Muppets Take Manhattan
For the life of me, I cannot remember what the context of this scene is. I just remember that it is a flashback perhaps? Regardless, Muppet babies are essentially the cutest thing ever.
5. Golden Years - A Knight's Tale
This is the first of two David Bowie songs on my list. In this clip from A Knight's Tale, the bad guy's plan to embarrass Heath Ledger by making him dance backfires drastically. Instead of being embarrassed and laughed out of the competition as this evil-doer hopes, Heath Ledger is able to show this medieval crowd two steps in a dance. Once they've learned those two steps, Ledger's girlfriend cues the band and the crowd goes wild. I'm assuming this is the only time they've ever had fun dancing, since that walking around in circles holding hands shit probably gets pretty boring. I also enjoy this scene because it gives a lot of credit to people from the past. They are able to embrace music that is a little before their time, as opposed to those stuck up high school kids in Back to the Future.
4. Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - 10 Things I Hate About You
Heath Ledger sings to Julia Stiles in their high school stadium. Really, I think the most ridiculous part is how big their football stadium is. I've seen similar sized professional stadiums. But I think most people can still relate. Who hasn't had to throw their dignity at the altar of Julia Stiles in order to win her back after not sleeping with her because she was drunk?
3. Chubby Fat Man - Extras
Depressed actor Andy Millman approaches one of his heroes, David Bowie. After relaying his woes to Bowie, the acclaimed song writer plays and writes a song on the spot for Millman. Unfortunately, I don't think it was much of a pick me up.
2. Day Man - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
In this clip, Charlie has been kicked out of the band for writing what the rest of the band considers some kind of homo-erotic love song dedicated to the "Night Man." Luckily, Dennis is able to snap Charlie out of his trance, and together they create pop sensation "Day Man"
1. Total Eclipse of the Heart - Old School
The name of the band in this scene is "The Dan Band." Unfortunately, I couldn't find a clip which included them also singing "Lady" and yodeling. Nonetheless, their entire performance in Old School is classic.
Runners Up:
Pretty much every song from A Muppet Christmas Carol
"Silent Night" - Carol Singers: This is from probably one of the best scenes in Love Actually
Trouble - The Music Man
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Dan's Top Movie Music
10. The Aviator: Toccata in Fugue in D Minor, J.S. Bach
Martin Scorcese has impeccable taste when it comes to choosing songs for his films. The scene in all of his films that has the most resonance with me is when Bach’s “Toccata in Fugue” is playing while Howard Hughes films Hell’s Angels. To think that Hughes actually got this many planes flying around him at once is amazing. Go to 5:14 in this clip to check out the scene.
9. There Will Be Blood: “Convergence,” by Jonny Greenwood
Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead fame composed one of the most original motion picture scores in years with his haunting soundtrack to There Will Be Blood. This song originally appeared in the 2003 documentary Bodysong, but Greenwood is able to adapt it perfectly to fit this scene and the rest of the movie’s score. His addition of violins to the original percussion ties it perfectly to the rest of the string-heavy soundtrack. The throbbing beats remind me of a heart, fitting for the explosion of black blood in this scene. The film also makes interesting use of Brahm’s “Violin Concerto in D Minor.”
Here's the original version of the song:
8. Rocky: “Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky),” Composed by Bill Conti, lyrics by Carol Connors and Ayn Robbins, performed by DeEtta Little and Nelson Pigford
This is perhaps the most imitated montage sequence in cinema. Rocky running up the steps is so iconic they built a statue of it…of course it was technically built for Rocky III. Regardless, no visit to the Philadelphia Museum of Art is complete without running up those steps hearing this theme in your head.
7. (tie) The Jungle Book: “I Wanna Be Like You,” written by Richard M. Sherman and performed by Louis Prima
The Nightmare Before Christmas: “What’s This?” written and performed by Danny Elfman
I could not make this list without including a Disney song, and my favorites come from The Jungle Book and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Hearkening back to the story of Prometheus, “I Wanna Be Like You,” is about an animal’s desire to learn how to create fire in order to become human. Complaints have been made about racism in this song. I won’t argue that racist undertones can be seen, however I will offer a link to a video that shows the mannerisms of the orangutans based on singer Louis Prima and his band. The Nightmare Before Christmas has too many good songs to not be included on this list. “What’s This?” is my favorite of the lot. The song is catchy and his discovery of Christmas Town is fun.
Click Here for the footage of Louis Prima and his Band
6. Lawrence of Arabia, Original Music by Maurice Jarre
The soundtrack for this movie is one of the most influential in film history. Nowadays you can’t see an expansive shot of the desert without a knockoff of this score playing in the background. Epic.
5. Reservoir Dogs: “Stuck in the Middle With You,” Stealer’s Wheel
Quentin Tarantino has a knack for taking moderately obscure songs and placing them in a scene that makes them iconic (Come to think of it he has a tendency to do that with actors too). The lighthearted, poppy song makes a scene where a man gets his ear cut off seem even crazier and twisted then it already was.
4. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: “The Asteroid Field,” John Williams
I had some difficulty picking one song from the Star Wars films to make my list. Over the course of six movies there has been a lot of great music. “The Asteroid Field” starts out with a powerful arrangement of the “Imperial March,” which is fun. It then becomes more frenetic as the Millennium Falcon enters the asteroid field. I found a version of this scene using only the music track. It’s kind of like watching a silent film!
Also for your viewing pleasure is “Yub Nub!”
3. Apocalypse Now: “The Ride of the Valkyries,” Richard Wagner
In this scene, Coppola shows the madness of war by having the characters treat Vietnam as if they were in a movie. Colonel Kilgore realizes the psychological impact this song will have on the villages’ inhabitants and he uses it to scare the shit out of them. Coppola amplifies the absurdity of the Vietnam war by infusing Kilgore with a completely mad John Wayne-style bravado.
2. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: “The Trio” composed by Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone defined modern Western music, with The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly his masterpiece. The score, along with fast-paced shots, make the tension in this scene palpable.
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey: “The Blue Danube,” Johann Strauss.
Although all of the space sequences in 2001 are good, and most set to Strauss, I chose the initial one because it has one of the greatest moments in cinema history. Inspired by the presence of a gigantic black monolith, primitive man picks up a bone and uses it as the first ever weapon. After using it to kill a rival caveman, he tosses the murder weapon into the air and the shot switches to that of a satellite in the year 2001. All of man’s technological progress summed up in two shots. Note: this video is several scenes combined, the one I’m highlighting only goes up to 4:04.
Runners-up to this list include the theme to Superman, “Man of Constant Sorrow,” from O Brother, Where Art Thou?, the opening narration to The Royal Tenenbaums set to an instrumental “Hey Jude,” the ending dance in Rushmore with “Ooh La La,” by the Faces playing., and the “Night on Bald Mountain” sequence from Fantasia.
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Monday, September 22, 2008
This Week's Topic
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Hula Boy's Top Ten Restaurant's
Best Fast Food Chain- Checkers
Checkers is awesome, it has burgers better than Wendy's and curly fries better than Arby's. This was a pretty easy selection, and I hope everyone else has had the chance to experience a Checkers, but am unsure of there locations, particularly in PA.
Best Steak Chain- The Palm
I've only been once, but it was phenomenal. In high school, I remember watching my boss eat at this place every single day for lunch, and that is what I aspire to.
Best Seafood Chain- McCormick and Schmick's
This might be my all time favorite restaurant and it only gets bonus points for me meeting former Oklahoma Senator and football player JC Watts at the place.
Best Burger Chain- Red Robin
For anyone that knows me, this was a pretty no brainer selection. I mean who can't go for a phenomenal burger and shake from RR?
Best Pub Chain- Fado's Irish Pub
I have discovered this pub chain in Chinatown here at DC, the spot of my local Pub Quiz on a weekly basis. The spot is a great hangout and the food is great for a bar.
Best Chinese Chain- PF Changs
I'll side with Big Ben on this one, and go along with his favorite Chinese Food place. I'm not sure if it is necessarily my favorite Chinese Food place, but there aren't many chains in the field.
Best Mexican Chain- Rio Grande
A limited chain existing in Maryland, DC, Virginia, Florida, and Texas this is George H. W. Bush's favorite restaurant and I've got to agree with the man. Awesome food.
Best Pizza Chain- Italian Village Pizza
Discovered in Pittsburgh, this place is great, and I am already missing a solid pizza chain place that isn't the suckage of Pizza Hut, Dominos, or Papa Johns.
Best Dessert Chain- Cheesecake Factory
I'll admit the food isn't the best, especially for the price. But the cheesecake is to die for...
Best Coffee Chain - Starbucks
Why not? It truly is a chain...around the world.
Til Next Week
Hula Boy
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Josh's Top Ten Chain Restaurants
These probably are not technically chains, but they go on here anyway. I consider myself quite the
9. Panera
The food here is pretty good. However, it ranked low for three reasons. One: consistency. I only really order one sandwich at Panera, and it is quite delicious. However, the construction of that sandwich varies a ridiculous amount. Often, it is the perfect amount of meat, lettuce and sauce. But I would say about 40% of the time there is either wayyy too much meat, way too little meat, no lettuce, too much tomato, not enough sauce, or it is on completely different bread. I don't want the sandwiches to be pre-made, but a little consistency would be nice. Two: selection. Like I said, there is only really one sandwich and a couple of soups that I eat here. Everything else is kind of "meh." I find that there are a lot of people with this opinion. Not that they eat the same items I do, but that they only like a small handful of items, as opposed to somewhere like TGI Friday's or Cheesecake Factory, where I like almost everything on the menu. Three: service. Due to their silly separate counter for bakery items, not all registers are utilized during peak times. This occasionally makes them very slow.
8. Bagel Factory
I did not even realize these were chains until I saw it on Dan's list. Too many fond memories of over-priced omelletes followed by overstuffed stomachs and trips to the comic store for this restaurant to not make the list.
7. TGI Friday's
I have always enjoyed the food at Friday's. However, it has been a while since the days of 3 for 12.99, which was the best thing ever.
6. Red Robin
Burgers + Unlimited fries + milkshakes = awesome. It's as simple as that my friends.
5. Dairy Queen
In the words of my evidence professor:
Dairy Queen is proof that god exists.4. Cheesecake Factory
The only down side to this restaurant is their ridiculous "we don't take call aheads/reservations" policy. Seriously, that's it. Everything else is amazing.
3. Qdoba
As Dan said, this blows Chipotle out of the water due to its infinitely larger selection. Also, the queso sauce is amazing, even if my heart does not agree.
2. International House of Pancakes
This restaurant is conspicuously missing in Western PA. It is a great, quick cheap place to go for breakfast at all sorts of hours.
1. Rita's
This is a throwback to everyone from Pennsylvania and a few other East Coast states. Everyone else, you don't know what you're missing. Rita's (formerly Rita's Water Ice) is not Italian ice. It isn't ice cream. It is some sort of magical combination of amazingness straight from Mt. Olympus. Describing it is damn near impossible. Eating it is beyond enjoyable.
Runners Up:
Planet Hollywood
Outback Steakhouse
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Karyn's Favorite Chain Restaurants
Now, I don't go to McDonald's very often, but whenever I'm overseas, it's the only place I want to eat. I'm pretty sure I've eaten at McDonald's in 20 different countries throughout Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. It's just comforting to be able to have something familiar when you're thousands of miles away from home and don't want to sample the local delicacy of dog's head on a stick. Plus, you can always find a new, interesting meal item in a foreign McDonald's, such as broccoli nuggets in the Czech Republic or the 2000 calorie "Boss" in New Zealand.
9. Dave and Buster's
This one is for the ambiance, as it is no longer acceptable for me to frequent Chuck E. Cheese's without being branded a pedophile. The food's pretty good though, and it's one of my favorite places to play pool.
8. Donato's
I'm not a big fan of pizza, but I love Donato's. The white vegetable pizza with chicken on thin crust is delicious.
7. Outback
If you want a decent steak from a chain at a reasonable price, then this is the place to go. I was a huge fan of the Cyclone Pasta, until they took it off the menu this year...bastards. The Bloomin' Onion is a calorie nightmare, but well worth the splurge.
6. Sheetz
I know Sheetz isn't technically a restaurant, but it's a great place to stop for a quick bite if you're on a long drive or just plain drunk. The Club Pretzel Melt is one of the best things I've ever eaten, and who doesn't enjoy saying the word "Shmuffin"?
5. Bennigan's
Oh, Bennigan' heart broke when I heard that they had declared bankruptcy earlier this year and that most of their restaurants were closing (including all Ohio locations). Where else can you enjoy a sandwich as delicious as the Monte Cristo (which one blogger has described as "a coronary wrapped inside a stroke, wrapped inside a diabetic seizure")? Mad props also go out to the Southwest Sampler and the Turkey O'Toole sandwich. Bennigan's has become my Holy Grail of dining...if anyone knows of one close by that's still open, let me know!
4. Buca di Beppo
In my opinion, the best Italian chain of all time. I know this makes me sound like a fatty, but the chicken marsala is to die for. Buca di Beppo is also home to the greatest dining experience in the world - the Pope room. Nothing like a giant lazy susan table with good ol' Pope John Paul II's head sitting smack in the middle. While playing ball at CSU, I made sure that we ate at Buca di Beppo's and got that table during every trip to Chicago for four years. It was the biggest accomplishment of my career.

3. Champp's
No, it's not the sporting goods store. Champp's will always hold a special place in my heart because I used to work there as a waitress, but the food is really great, especially the Walnut Crusted Chicken. They have recently changed their plate ware from circles to squares, which, as we all know, means one step closer to a five star dining experience.
2. The Cheesecake Factory
The Cheesecake Factory represents everything that is wrong with America, but at the same time, everything that is so right. Their menu can be described as nothing short of epic, clocking in at approximately 25 pages (granted, there are a lot of ads), and they offer at least 20 different types of cheesecake, not to mention the fact that there are two kinds of free bread - white AND brown! I highly recommend the Navajo sandwich and the Spicy Chicken Chipotle Pasta.
1. Taco Bell
Taco Bell is my lifeline, which is kind of ironic because I used to hate it as a kid. I almost died when I found out that the nearest one was a 30 minute drive away from grad school. However, I still managed to make the trip up there more often than what is considered healthy/normal. I think I could write pages about my love for this place, but I won't. You're welcome.
Thanks for letting me guest post, guys!
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Friday, September 19, 2008
Dan's in a Chain Restaurant Gang
9. Bagel Factory: I have many fond memories of Sunday afternoons spent at the Squirrel Hill Bagel Factory followed inevitably by a trip to a comic book store. One thing to watch out for: omelet prices are based on add-ins, and can often skyrocket.
8. Quizno’s: Quizno’s is superior to Subway in almost every way. Their sandwiches are not as bland and are much more creative than comparable ones from Subway. You also don’t smell like ass after leaving a Quizno’s like you would at a Subway.
7. Qdoba: Qdoba wins over Chipotle based on its wider selection of gigantic burritos. Their food often helps cut calories too since one meal at Qdoba usually causes one to skip their next few meals.
6. Wendy’s: This is my favorite restaurant in the McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s trio. I usually stick to the Spicy Chicken Sandwich although the burgers are fine too. The Frosty’s are popular, some people even dip their fries in it…not for me. The Wendy’s on Center Ave. in Pittsburgh also provides evening entertainment in the form of crazy old regulars. Toupee Man, Heroin Addict, Hair Plugs, and others all make nightly appearances!
5 Boston Market: The chicken isn’t always the best, but the sides are always wonderful. Nothing beats Boston Market’s sweet potatoes!
4. Panera Bread: I enjoy Panera, even though it is always crowded. There is nothing as satisfying as eating their chicken and wild rice soup in a bread bowl. I am also a big fan of their portobello and mozzarella panini.
3. Bravo! Cucina Italiana: Although I’m usually a little leery of restaurants that think they are classier than they actually are (I’m looking at you Cheesecake Factory), I can’t deny the great taste of Bravo’s food. I’ve never been disappointed with a meal there, with the highlight always being the delicious focaccia bread. The décor, other than the ridiculous pillars, also refrains from being too over-the-top.
2. Red Robin: I am always much more satisfied with Red Robin than I am with its main competitors: Applebees, TGI Fridays, and Ruby Tuesday. The menu offers a variety of gourmet burgers (pink or no pink?) and bottomless beverages. Replicate Red Robin seasoning at home:
1. Taco Bell: I often accuse Taco Bell of putting the same brown gloop in every tortilla, but that doesn’t mean I love it any less. Meals are insanely cheap and the menu is full of fictional Mexican style food.
I would like to also welcome Karyn, who helped come up with this topic and will be providing a guest post.
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Monday, September 15, 2008
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Dan's Superhero Society of Justice
I thought that the actor who played Multiple Man in X-Men the Last Stand looked a lot like Captain Marvel. Turns out audiences know Eric Dane better for his role in Grey’s Anatomy. Because of this, I did not rank him as high as originally planned.
9) Matthew Fox as
I thought about putting Matthew Fox as Cyclops, but thought better of it. Cyclops, my favorite X-Man, deserves more than the uninspired performance I’m sure Matthew Fox would deliver. However, his dull style would fit perfectly as the lesson-teaching, nature-hiking
8) Paul Bettany as Booster Gold
Booster Gold is a second-tier DC hero, but a great movie can be constructed around the character. Booster is a shallow, showboating, unremarkable citizen of the future who travels back in time so that he can use future technologies in order to be a hero. Paul Bettany’s comedic portrayal of Geoffrey Chaucer in A Knight’s Tale is suitable for this hero. His lack of a traditional muscular physique would also underscore Booster Gold’s reliance on technology over natural ability.

7) Bob Hoskins as the Penguin
I thought this was a brilliant casting idea, and apparently, a lot of the internet does too. Rumors have circulated since the release of Batman Begins that Hoskins might play the monocled villain.
6) Daniel Craig as Captain
If he can sort out the whole not being American thing, Daniel Craig would make a badass Captain
5) Michael Keaton as Carnage
Michael Keaton can play crazy (see Beetlejuice), and is no stranger to superhero roles (see Batman). Although a little old, Keaton would be interesting as a serial killer who uses the power of the symbiote to wreak havoc on
4) Shannyn Sossaman as Catwoman
Another veteran of A Knight’s Tale, Shannyn Sossaman has the sultry, sex appeal necessary to pull of Catwoman. Who wouldn’t want to see her in skintight leather?
3) Steve Buscemi as Mysterio
Mysterio is a special effects wizard who uses illusions and technology to battle Spider-Man. Steve Buscemi wins out because his voice would be awesome coming out of that crystal ball, and because physical strength is not a prerequisite for this role.
2) Jim Caviezel as Green Lantern
There are many Green Lanterns, but Hal
1) Leonardo DiCaprio as Black Mask
I would not be surprised to see this villain turn up in the next Batman film. In the past decade Black Mask has become one of Batman’s and Bruce Wayne’s greatest foes. Following the suspicious death of Roman Sionis’ parents, he drives their makeup company into the ground. Vengeful of a Wayne Industries buyout of the company, Sionis carves a mask out his mother’s ebony coffin and begins killing Wayne Industries employees. The mask becomes permanently burned onto his face following a fight with Batman. Eventually, Black Mask becomes
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Josh's Superhero Casting Call
10. Zooey Deschanel as Ramona Flowers
For those of you unfamiliar with the amazing comic Scott Pilgrim you should be ashamed of yourself. Wikipedia perfectly sums up who Ramona Flowers is:
Ramona Victoria Flowers: Main love interest. delivery girl. 24 years old. She reveals very little about her past in New York before she moved to Toronto. Is capable of traveling through subspace. Has seven evil exes. Changes her hairstyle a lot. Her birthday is January 1.Currently there are rumors that Mary Elizabeth Winstead will be playing Flowers in the upcoming movie opposite Mikey Cera.
Zooey's performances in Hitchiker's Guide and Elf show us that she can be goofy and fun. For Ramona I think that is critical. Ramona needs to be that perfect blend between super sweet love interest of Scott Pilgrim, and the girl with seven evil exes that carries a big baseball bat and travels through sub-space. Of course, the only one capable of that blend is Zooey.
9. Nathan Fillion as Hal Jordan
Nathan Fillion, renowned for his portrayals of Mal Reynolds and Captain Hammer, needs to be in way more movies. He has the great mix of charm and sass and adorableness perfect for an average fighter pilot that has greatness thrust upon him.
8. Ricky Gervais as The Riddler
I think the Riddler should be a lighter character. He doesn't need to be Ledger's Joker but with riddles. Ricky Gervais would bring his classic snarkiness and sharp wit to a character much in need of a resurrection.
7.Lena Headey as Wonder Woman
This girl knows how to kick ass as Sarah Connor, and be regal as Queen Gorgo. Also, she is very attractive. Who else to kick ass as an Amazonian princess in a ridiculously revealing outfit?
6. A No Name as Captain Marvel
Similar to the Superman franchise, Captain Marvel needs an unknown actor to come in make the role his own. It can't be someone that we already know as another character. This would be the first major Captain Marvel film, and it needs to come out swinging.
5. Michael Cera as Billy Batson
While the actual Captain needs to be a no name with no acting baggage, I think Billy Batson is something different. Michael Cera would be great for that role. While he may be a little old, I think he can play off a younger character. He is slightly nerdy and awkward, not to mention charming. He is exactly what Billy Batson is all about. Just some normal kid, given god-like powers.
4. Justin Long as Mark Grayson
Invincible is another comic where, if you're not reading it, you should be. Seriously, stop reading this, and go buy it right now. Give it at least two full trades before judging. You'll thank me later. Without giving too much away, Invincible is about Mark Grayson, son of a Superman-like superhero. He discovers around the age of 18 that he also has these powers. Justin Long's quick-talking smart-ass attitude is perfect for this more modern day superhero.
3. Felicia Day as Atom Eve
In Invincible, Mark Grayson's super-heroine counterpart is Atom Eve. Wikipedia explains Atom Eve's Dr. Manhattan-like powers:
Atom Eve is able to manipulate matter at the sub-atomic level by sheer will power. Organic and inorganic matter can be changed into anything she desires. She can augment normally unhealthy food such as cakes and other sweets into nutritious foods as well as re-arrange the environment. Her costume is easily created by altering her clothes to fashion her Atom Eve suit. She can also fly by lowering the density of the air around her as well as creating force fields.Felicia Day, star of The Guild and Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog would bring her unique style to this interesting character. Eve, we find out later in the series, is actually quite in love with Mark Grayson. Nonetheless, she gives up the superhero life to help humanity in other ways. I think it would be interesting to see Day in a feature role, especially something so different from the roles she has done before. Also, they are both red heads so it works out nicely.
2. David Zayas as Agent Greer
In The Surrogates, Agent Greer is a police detective that stops using his surrogate and decides to start policing as himself. The surrogates are robots that everyone in the futuristic world use to interact with the outside world, while they remain in their homes, plugged in to the surrogates. Currently, Bruce Willis is cast as Agent Greer. However, I think Zayas (Angel Batista in Dexter) would be a much better fit. Greer is supposed to be an every day detective. Willis has too much of an action star aura to successfully pull it off, while Zayas has the gritty feel of a real cop. Also, my apologies for the picture. There aren't many images of Greer. He is in the top left of the picture above.
1. Charlie Cox as Yorick Brown
In Y: The Last Man Yorick Brown is the last man on Earth. He is a twenty to thirty year old struggling amateur escape artist that ends up being the only man to survive a plague. Cox came to my attention after starring as Tristan in Stardust. I think he was pretty damn good in that. Again, I think a lesser known star would work out quite well with this role, and Cox seems to have the ability to pull off the look and swagger of Yorick.
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Friday, September 12, 2008
Hula Boy's Top Ten Superhero Casting Decisions

10. Shirley Manson as Harley Quinn
Shirley Manson, lead singer of Garbage and recent addition to the Sarah Connor Chronicles, is reportedly one crazy women, which is just the right trait needed for a Harley Quinn actress. She has also been known to wear excessive makeup, somewhat resembling Harley Quinn. I feel like this is a perfect fit, now only if we could somehow bring Heath back to play the Joker so HQ could be added as a character in the next Batman movie.

9. Bruce Campbell as Green Lantern
I know Bruce Campbell is a little too old for the role, but he definitely has the chin for the role. And since I’m not sure how a Green Lantern movie could be done without making it a little over the top, I’m not sure there would be a better actor suited for that role. Also, Campbell has already made his mark with a great superhero ring scene (the Peter Parker marriage proposal scene), so why not give him a crack with another, more powerful ring?

8. Zooey Deschanel as Squirrel Girl
Squirrel Girl, a little known heroine originating in the Iron Man comics, would make a great character addition to the next Iron Man movie. I could think of no better actress, than Zooey, to play the cute love interest that would complete the triangle between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I think this selection deserves points for creativity.

7. Ryan Reynolds as Flash
Ryan Reynolds has long been rumored to star in a worthy comic book adaptation, ever since his shameful appearance in Blade Trinity. I originally felt he would have been perfect for the 'Merc with a Smirk' aka Deadpool, until upon some research found out that this was actually a real casting decision (which is too cool.) So, I had to switch some things up and wanted to give some love to my favorite DC big, who is in need of a movie appearance.

6. Anthony Michael Hall as The Riddler
There are rumors that Hall's character will be spun off into The Riddler for the third Batman movie. But there are also rumors that Johnny Depp may play the character once butchered by Jim Carrey. Well, count this as my official vote for The Riddler. I think the former Breakfast Cluber deserves more roles and would love to see his role in Dark Knight expanded upon.

5. Michael C. Scott as Daredevil
I'm a huge Daredevil fan, which may be due to his day job. And while I feel like Ben Affleck's portrayal of the character wasn't too shabby, the movie sucked and the character should be resurrected for a second attempt at a character who should translate well to the big screen. The devious and sly Dexter would seem like the perfect fit, plus he looks the part too.

4. Sarah Michelle Gellar as Ms. Marvel
Ms. Marvel is a pretty underrated character, and my favorite female superhero from a pretty poor selection. I think her mythology would play well on film and Sarah Michelle would be the perfect actress for the part. Her role as Buffy would obviously qualify her for the physical aspects. I also feel like this is the right spot to mention my hatred of Wonder Woman.

3. Liam Neeson as Dr. Strange
Another personal favorite character of mine is Dr. Strange. His stuff is the perfect blend of sci-fi, fantasy, and superhero. The historical aspect of his character is also pretty cool, and a medieval time period for the character would make for an awesome movie in my opinion (think 1602ish). One of the great actors for this part and any part would have to be Liam Neeson, who could grow the ideal facial hair for the role.

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger/Roland Kickinger as Thor
Thor is a pretty lame character. But Arnold in any movie is awesome. Therefore Arnold as Thor would be awesome. Really, I just feel like we need to put the Governator into the Marvel universe somehow, and Thor could be that character. It is a shame this hasn't been done already, but thanks to the technology being rumored about in Terminator Salvation, maybe we could see the pair Roland Kickinger and Arnold play the Norse hero in a superhero movie.

1. Johnny Depp as Sandman
Johnny Depp is definitely one of the best actors working today (right there with Leo and Phillip Seymour Hoffman), so I feel like it's essential to bring him into the superhero fold. What better way to do this than in one of the most epic superhero stories of all time, Sandman? The role seems perfect for the quirky actor who likes weird projects, and played a similar looking character in Edward Scissorhands. A Neil Gaiman scripted, Tim Burton directed, Johnny Depp starring Sandman would be incredible. Somebody needs to make this happen. NOW!
I thought this topic was a blast, maybe that's just because I made it up. I created it with the intent of thinking of the proper Captain America, since he is my fave character, but I really couldn't think of anyone to play that role. I'm not sure there is an actor working today with the proper acting chops and build to play the part. What I do know is John Malkovich would be the perfect Red Skull. Also, I'd like to think I was pretty fair with my DC/Marvel split, with a 4-6 mark. Anyways, I hope the other posters had as much fun as I with this category.
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